Gondwana Link
Western Australia
1000 km transect
Land Tenure
Keith Bradby
Gondwana Link is working to protect the endangered bushland of south-western Australia, restoring ecological resilience and maintaining the extraordinary nature of this region.
Current Projects at Gondwana Link
Central Zone
In our Central Zone conservation groups and individuals working with us since 2002 have secured some 16,500 ha of privately owned land, much of it existing habitat (some degraded) but some 6,500ha has been replanted back, much to a high restoration standard, some as semi-commercial revegetation. The restoration plantings often include over 100 species, direct seeded. A number of restoration plantings have ongoing monitoring in place, initially ‘establishment’ monitoring but increasingly how they function ecologically and genetically – with one 1200 ha site having ten years continuous monitoring involving a number of researchers, and a recent three year project across four organizations collecting data aimed at “Moving measures of restoration success beyond that of population establishment and survival to incorporate the evolutionary processes that provide long-term resilience, persistence and functional integration of restored populations into broader landscapes”. The past couple of years of ‘functional bird guild’ monitoring is demonstrating a clear relationship between the ecological quality of the plantings and the return of wildlife.
Great Western Woodlands Zone
In our Great Western Woodlands Zone, which is mainly existing habitat, the focus is on improving conservation management, particularly in relation to management of the main ecological stresses, changed fire regimes and invasive species, predators, grazers, and weeds. The opportunity for us has been to work with Traditional Owners (Ngadju and Nyungar people) to establish culturally based conservation management – i.e. Ngadju Conservation Aboriginal Corporation currently have a detailed conservation plan and a 10 person Ranger Team in place, plus a government approved proposal to declare a 4.4 million ha Indigenous Protected Area.