Northeast Seed Supply Network Collaborators

Who are our collaborators?

Here are some of the organizations, agencies, companies, institutions, and citizens groups who have expressed their interest in participating in the network and helping to raise awareness about seed and plant material shortages:

ArcheWild Native Plant Trust (Previously New England Wild Flower)
Cornell Botanic Garden (NY) NRCS, Cape May Plant Materials Center (NJ)
Green Belt Native Plant Center (NYC) Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary (CT and MA)
eco59 seed collective (CT) Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) (MA and CT)
Highstead Arboretum (CT) Northeast Regional Invasive Species & Climate Change (RISCC)
Hilltop Hanover Farms (NY) Pineland Nursery (NJ)
Interlace Commons, Inc. Planters’ Choice (CT)
Intervale Conservation Nursery (VT) Pollinator Pathway Network
Landscape Interactions Propagate, Inc (VT)
Larry Weaner Landscape Associates Red Start Consulting (VT)
Lasdon Arboretum (NY) Society for Ecological Restoration Mid-Atlantic Chapter
Long Island Sound Study (NY and CT) The Nature Conservancy MA Chapter (MA)
Maine Wild Seed Project (ME) Tiny Meadow Farm (CT)
Mass Division of Ecological Restoration (MA) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex)
Mass Pollinator Network (MA) University of Connecticut (CT)
Mid-Atlantic Regional Seed Bank (MARS-B) University of Massachusetts (MA)
Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) Wild Woods Restoration Project (NY)
Mt. Cuba Center (DE)



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