Publications & Videos
The Natural History of Ecological Restoration: A short format journal and joint project of the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Ecological Health Network, and the Restoration Ecology Lab at Virginia Tech
Selected publications by EHN leadership, members, and allies
Aronson, J. 2025. La Restauracion holistica: Portal hacia una cultura de Restauración Ecológica. In : Pérez, D., González, F., Rodriguez Araujo, M.E. et al. Editors. Abordajes y debates para la restauración ecológica de la Argentina. Red de Restauración Ecológica de Argentina. Neuquén. PDF. ISBN: 978-631-00-6989-0. Pp. 25-31.
Cross, A. T. 2025. Aportes a la Restauración de zonas áridas Latinoamericanas : La Experiencia de Restauración en áreas de Minería en Australia. In : Pérez, D., González, F., Rodriguez Araujo, M.E. et al. Editors. Abordajes y debates para la restauración ecológica de la Argentina. Red de Restauración Ecológica de Argentina. Neuquén. PDF. ISBN: 978-631-00-6989-0. Pp. 293-300.
Pérez, D., González, F., Rodriguez Araujo, M.E. et al. Editors. Abordajes y debates para la restauración ecológica de la Argentina. Red de Restauración Ecológica de Argentina. Neuquén. PDF. 309 pages. PDF. ISBN: 978-631-00-6989-0.
- Interview with James Aronson, Bulletin of the Ecological Restoration Network of Argentina (BREA) 42(8) October, 2024. pp 42-45 (in Spanish).
- Allen, E. B., Cross, A. T., Berger, A. M., & Aronson, J. (2024). Restoration seed and plant material supply chains are complex social networks. Restoration Ecology, 32(8), e14279.
- Dictionary Definitions (ecological restoration, ecohealth, human health, microbiome, natural capital, and one health) in: Haddad, B.M. & Solomon, B.D. eds., Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023 (citations for each word are at the end of the document)
- Cross, A. T., & Aronson, J. (2023). Editorial: Plant-soil-microbe interactions and drivers in ecosystem development and ecological restoration. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11.
- Stanhope, J., & Weinstein, P. (2023). Exposure to environmental microbiota may modulate gut microbial ecology and the immune system. Mucosal Immunology.
- Sekera, J., Cagalanan, D., Swan, A., Birdsey, R., Goodwin, N., & Lichtenberger, A. (2023). Carbon dioxide removal–what’s worth doing? A biophysical and public need perspective. PLOS Climate, 2(2).
- Araujo, M. E., & Pérez, D. R. (2023). From seed germination to established seedlings: A comparative evaluation in five shrub species and implications for seed based restoration in arid lands. Restoration Ecology. Daniel Pérez is working with an EHN site in Caviahue, Argentina (Northwest Patagonia), in the Araucaria araucana xeric forest.
- Robinson, J. M.; Aronson, J.; Daniels, C. B.; Goodwin, N.; Liddicoat, C.; Orlando, L.; Phillips, D.; Stanhope, J.; Weinstein, P.; Cross, A. T.; Breed, M. F. Ecosystem Restoration Is Integral to Humanity's Recovery from Covid-19. The Lancet Planetary Health 2022, 6 (9).
- Orlando LF, DePinto AJ, Wallace KJ. Ecohealth Villages: A Framework for an Ecosystem Approach to Health in Human Settlements. Sustainability. 2022; 14(12):7053.
- Albrecht, M.A., Dell, N.D., Engelhardt, M.J., Reid, J.L., Saxton, M.L., Trager, J.C., Waldman, C. and Long, Q.G. (2022), Recovery of herb-layer vegetation and soil properties after pile burning in a Midwestern oak woodland. Restor Ecol, 30: e13547.
- James Aronson, Neva Goodwin, Adam Cross, and Laura Orlando, "Focus on Ecosystem Health," contribution to GTI Forum "Conservation at the Crossroads," Great Transition Initiative (May 2022)
- Bradley, H. S., M. D. Craig, A. T. Cross, S. Tomlinson, M. J. Bamford, and P. W. Bateman.. "Revealing microhabitat requirements of an endangered specialist lizard with LiDAR." Scientific Reports 12 (1). Inpress.
- Krueger, T., A. T. Cross, J. Hübner, J. Morinière, A. Hausmann, and A. Fleischmann.. "A novel approach for reliable qualitative and quantitative prey spectra identification of carnivorous plants combining DNA metabarcoding and macro photography." Scientific Reports 12 (1). Inpress.
- Turner, S. R., A. T. Cross, M. Just, V. Newton, S. Pedrini, S. Tomlinson, and K. Dixon. 2022. "Restoration seedbanks for mined land restoration." Restoration Ecology
- Rajapakshe, R., A. Cross, S. Turner, and S. Tomlinson. 2022. "Understanding the interplay of temperature and moisture on the germination niche to improve management of threatened species impacted by mining." Restoration Ecology
- Goodwin, N., & Sekera, J. (2021, November 23). Why the oil industry’s pivot to carbon capture and storage – while it keeps on drilling – isn’t a climate change solution. The Conversation.
- Farrell, C.A., Aronson, J., Daily, G.C., Hein, L., Obst, C., Woodworth, P. & Stout, J.C. 2021. Natural Capital Approaches: shifting the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration from aspiration to reality. Restoration Ecology.\
- Cross SL, Bradley HS, Tudor EP, Craig MD, Tomlinson S, Bamford MJ, Bateman PW, Cross AT. 2021. A life of mine approach to fauna monitoring is critical for recovering functional ecosystems to restored landscapes. Restoration Ecology doi: 10.1111/rec.13540
- Cross AT. 2021. Nutrient-acquisition strategy influences seed nutrient concentration and seed-to-seedling transition in ecological restoration in a regional dryland flora. Plant and Soil.
s11104-021-05198-z - FAO, IUCN CEM & SER. 2021. Principles for Ecosystem Restoration to Guide the United Nations Decade 2021–2030. Rome, FAO. (EHN co-founder James Aronson is a lead author on this publication.)
- Moat, J., Orellana-Garcia, A., Tovar, C., Arakaki, M., Arana, C., Cano, A., … Whaley, O. Q. (2021). Seeing through the clouds – Mapping desert fog oasis ecosystems using 20 years of MODIS imagery over Peru and Chile. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 103, 102468. https://doi:10.1016/j.jag.2021.102468
- Bradby, K., Wallace, K.J., Cross, A.T., Flies, E.J., Witehira, C., Keesing, A., Dudley, T., Breed, M.F., Howling, G., Weinstein, P., Aronson, J. 2021. Four Islands EcoHealth Network: An Australasian initiative building synergies between the restoration of ecosystems and human health. Restoration Ecology, p.e13382.
- Cross, S.L., Cross, A.T., Tomlinson, S., Clark-Ioannou, S.M., Nevill, P.G. and Bateman, P.W., (2021). Mitigation and management plans should consider all anthropogenic disturbances to fauna. Global Ecology and Conservation, p.e01500.
- Suzanne J. Milton & W. Richard J. Dean 2021. Anthropogenic impacts and implications for ecological restoration in the Karoo, South Africa. Anthropocene 36: 100307.
ancene.2021.100307. Drs. Milton and Dean are EHN colleagues and manage the Wolwekraal Nature Reserve, an EHN site, in South Africa. - Cross, A.T., Zhong, H. and Lambers, H. 2021. Incorporating rock in surface covers improves the establishment of native pioneer vegetation on alkaline mine tailings. Science of The Total Environment, p.145373.
- Cross A.T., Lambers H. 2021. Calcicole-calcifuge plant strategies limit restoration potential in a regional semi-arid flora. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7544
- Valliere JM, Ruscalleda Alvarez J, Cross AT, Lewandrowski W, Riviera F, Stevens JC, Tomlinson S, Wong WS, Yong JWH, Veneklaas EJ. 2021. Restoration ecophysiology: An ecophysiological approach to improve strategies and outcomes for restoration of severely disturbed landscapes. Restoration Ecology.
- Aronson, J., N. Goodwin, L. Orlando, C. Eisenberg & A.T. Cross 2020. A World of Possibilities: Six Restoration Strategies to support the United Nations’ Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Restoration Ecology 28: 730-736.
- Bradley, H.S., Tomlinson, S., Craig, M.D., Cross, A.T. and Bateman, P.W. (2020) Mitigation translocation as a management tool. Conservation Biology.
- Hall, M.M., Wehi, P.M., Whaanga, H., Walker, E.T., Koia, J.H. and Wallace, K.J. (2020) Promoting social and environmental justice to support Indigenous partnerships in urban ecosystem restoration. Restoration Ecology, e13305.
- Flies, E.J., Jones, P., Buettel, J.C. and Brook, B.W. (2020) Compromised Ecosystem Services From Urban Aerial Microbiomes: A Review of Impacts on Human Immune Function. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8:1–8.
- Nabhan, G.P., Orlando, L., Smith Monti, L. and Aronson, J. (2020) Hands-On Ecological Restoration as a Nature-Based Health Intervention: Reciprocal Restoration for People and Ecosystems. Ecopsychology, 12: 195–202.
- Cross, A.T., Wallace, K.J. and Aronson, J. (2020) Healthy Societies built from Healthy Ecosystems: How Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand are Working at the Intersection of Human Health and Ecological Restoration for a Healthier World. Natural History of Ecological Restoration, July.
- Cross, A.T., Krueger, T.A., Gonella, P.M., Robinson, A.S. and Fleischmann, A.S. (2020) Conservation of carnivorous plants in the age of extinction, Global Ecology and Conservation, 24: e01272.
- Breed, M.F., Cross, A.T., Wallace, K.J., Bradby, K., Flies, E., Goodwin, N., Kendal, D., Orlando, L., Skelly, C., Weinstein, P. and Aronson, J. (2020) Ecosystem Restoration: A Public Health Intervention, EcoHealth.
- Aronson, J., Goodwin, N., Orlando, L., Eisenberg, C. and Cross, A.T. (2020) A World of Possibilities: Six Restoration Strategies to support the United Nation's Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, Restoration Ecology, 28:730–736.
- Mills, J.G., Bissett, A., Gellie, N.J.C., Lowe, A.J., Selway, C.A., Thomas, T., Weinstein, P., Weyrich, L.S. and Breed, M.F. (2020) Revegetation of urban green space rewilds soil microbiotas with implications for human health and urban design. Restoration Ecology, 28:S322–S334.
- Blignaut, J. and Aronson, J. (2020) Developing a restoration narrative: A pathway towards system-wide healing and a restorative culture, Ecological Economics, 168:106483.
- Cross, A.T., Nevill, P., Dixon, K.W. and Aronson, J. (2019) Time for a paradigm shift toward a restorative culture, Restoration Ecology, 27:924–928
- Goodwin, N. (2019) Addressing meta-externalities: investments in restoring the Earth, Real-World Economics Review, 87:36–53.
- Eisenberg, C., Anderson, C.L., Collingwood, A., Sissons, R., Dunn, C.J., Meigs, G.W., Hibbs, D.E., Murphy, S., Kuiper, S.D., SpearChief-Morris, J., Little Bear, L., Johnston, B. and Edson, C.B. (2019) Out of the Ashes: Ecological Resilience to Extreme Wildfire, Prescribed Burns, and Indigenous Burning in Ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:436. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00436
- Gann, G.D., McDonald, T., Walder, B., Aronson, J., Nelson, C.R., Jonson, J., Hallett, J.G., Eisenberg, C., Guariguata, M.R., Liu, J. and Hua, F. (2019) International Principles & Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration, 2nd Edition, International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology, 27:S1–S46.
- Apfelbaum, S.I. (2019) “S” is for Soil! Lower Sugar River Watershed Association, June.
- Goodwin, N. (2018) Ecological Repair: A Hope for the Human Economies, Opinion Sur, August.
- Aronson, J., Blatt, C.M. and Aronson, T. (2016) Restoring ecosystem health to improve human health and well-being: physicians and restoration ecologists unite in a common cause, Ecology and Society, 21:39.
- Woodworth, P. (2015) Our Once and Future Planet: Restoring the World in the Climate Change Century, University of Chicago Press.
- The Society for Ecological Restoration International Primer on Ecological Restoration, SER International Science & Policy Working Group
A Biodiversity Fact That Might Surprise You
A 3:32 min video about biodiversity, by MinuteEarth
Sue Milton-Dean on the Renu-Kraal Veld Restoration
In this TEDx Presentation, “The Need for Seed,” Botanist and Entrepreneur Sue Milton-Dean discusses the big picture of ecological restoration and its surprising human impact.
A short film directed by Noah Hutton and Taylor Hess premiered by The Atlantic about the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR): a feminist, anti-colonial, marine science laboratory.
Human and Planetary Health: Ecosystem Restoration at the Dawn of the Century of Regeneration
Daniel Christian Wahl, Ted Talk
"Soil in Action" time lapse, showing growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi on pine roots
work by @wimicrobe, in this case in close cooperation with our @SBL_WUR colleague Gerlinde De Deyn
Photo by Thibaud Aronson